Wednesday 10 April 2013

Cape Stolbchaty - Unknown Russia

Cape Stolbchaty is located on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, on the Kunashir island and is inscribed in the UNESCO world heritage list as a natural monument.
Cape Stolbchaty is the most famous trail of a volcano, where the lava hits the surface through a huge crack. Cape consists of 5-and 6-sided columns of the correct form, or rather is the correct form, and they are perfectly matched to one another. They are composed of entire vertical wall.
The height of the bars in some places reaches 50 meters.
Breed columns correctly divided both along and across. View from a height gives the opportunity to see a 6-sided prism of a certain length, which resemble modern paving slabs.
Surprisingly, the two longitudinal cracks form and separately, the second - a 5-sided irregular! Sea waves leveled and polished surface of the platform and it created the illusion of paved flooring. In some places, preserved ruined single pillars that resemble the remains of the broken fence.
- See more at:

Thursday 21 March 2013

Markup language

We have a lot of articles but we dont use any blog- or CMS engine (we are doing our own based on our needs).

For now we decided to use wiki Markup language... But we are still doubting about our choice, what would be user friendly for our writers? We can use markup or we can use blogger style text editor...

And yesterday we added tags engine for articles. Small step to information organization.

Next step - to add categories, or hard-coded tags. And KLADR with geo info.

A lot of work :)

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Unknown Russia blog is created

Welcome to our blog.

Here we will publish our progress with developing the Unknown Russia project.

Current state:

Anastasia Zhukova - content
Andrei Kozlov - design consultations and ideas
Andrey Neprokin - development and administration
Daria Kurochkina - idea, organization, articles, development and everything else.

Website is published with one About article.

We have registration-authorization, create-edit-remove article mechanism and bootstrap template. has 188 followers.

It was a hard work to register everywhere...But we did it :)